SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER!!! Yippee and Yea! I’m planning on doing as much of nothing as possible.
We’ve had concerts galore these past weeks--Sam’s voice recital, orchestra concert (with a rock band), school chorus concerts (the Broadway show), PCC concert (in which some kid pulled the fire alarm and everyone had to exit the Mesa Arts Center for about 15 minutes). They have all been great, but my rear end was very sick of sitting. These concerts all involved Sam. He has successfully completed his freshman year at Mountain View. Now on to the PCC tour of Italy in two weeks. I’m stressing out trying to make sure he packs everything he needs.
I had to say good-bye to some good friends at school. I hate good-byes. That’s one great thing about Facebook; I can stay in touch with friends.
This is April. I’m adding a paragraph to my parent’s newsletter. It’s a win-win situation for me and my mom. So we are getting into the swing of things with our sweet little Kate. She is a really good baby and is now regularly letting me get at least one 5-6 hour stretch of sleep at night, and then she goes right back to bed for at least another 3. She just started smiling and we all enjoy trying to get her to smile at us. Lily loves her little sister a whole lot and calls her “my baby”. Lily, Kate and I went to a cooking group that I have with a few ladies in my ward. We all make a food that goes with the theme of the month and sit and sample new foods and talk while the kids play. The other little kids were trying to look at Kate and take her blanket off of her and Lily’s big sister/mother hen instinct came out and she stayed by Kate’s side to make sure no one did anything to her little sister that she didn’t approve of. Sam has a camp-out for scouts coming up this weekend and then he has scout camp for a week in June. I’m pretty sure we are going to miss him very much around our house. Sam and I both celebrated birthdays this month. Kate was blessed on my birthday, which was awesome and we had a fun family dinner that night. For Sam’s birthday Sam, Kate and I went to P.F. Changs for dinner while Lily played with Grandma. That’s about it for us...Have a happy and hopefully not too warm June.
This is Steve. I recently finished an excellent book entitled Fast and Furious, by Katie Pavlich. In it, author Pavlich does an excellent job of laying out the evidence of misdeed and corruption in the Obama Justice Department. Everyone should read it to fully understand why Eric Holder needs to resign (or be impeached). In other news, I’m still here. And that is my update.
Chris is working, as always, but managed to go to Comic Con, some crazy comic book convention in Phoenix this week. I think he got his picture taken with someone famous or maybe it was just his friends. When Sam and April went out to dinner, Lily and I went to Panda Bear (Express) to get food. She is pretty funny.
Until next month. . .