Meet Kate Vera Shelley. She was born on May 6 and weighed 7 pounds and 6 ounces. We all love her tons and tons! Rakay was there to help with her birth which we were all very happy about! Lily wasn’t too sure about the whole thing and wouldn’t let her mom out of her sight for a few days. Now Lily is her mom’s biggest helper. April finally got Lily to hold Kate a few days ago. Kate actually let April sleep for 4 hours straight last night. Ah, the joys of being a new mom! I took a week off of school to help out. That was pretty fun.
This last week all of the kids had to take the AIMS (Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards) test which was not too fun. Sam didn’t have to take the AIMS test this year. The 9th grade took the Stanford Achievement test which he said was EASY. We are coming upon the month of May which in some ways is busier than December. Bring it on because then school will be out. Sam performed in the PCC Gala which was a fund raiser for the choir so they got to sing for their supper (in a manner of speaking). The Gala is PCC’s big fundraiser for the year. I’m grateful to his voice teacher for hauling him over to Phoenix for all the rehearsals. His next voice recital is May 5 which is the day before April’s birthday on May 6 which is the same day that Kate will be blessed. She is wearing April’s blessing dress.
This weekend it has been HOT-- like 102 hot. I am not looking forward to the long hot summer. Sam and I went to a really great concert last night while Gary went to the ballgame. We saw a group called, The Real Group. They are a vocal jazz group. He and I really enjoyed it. It’s amazing to me how they make all the different cool sounds with just their voices. Sam made the top two choirs at Mountain View for next year and he will only be a sophomore. I know I am bragging, but I am truly amazed at the talent the Lord has given him. It is pretty awesome.
Our April Teachings for our Times lesson was Elder Holland’s talk, which I really liked a lot. We have really great Relief Society teachers on our ward so Relief Society is a pleasure to attend.
Tax season is over. I always wonder how Gary makes it with so little sleep and such long hours, but he does. Now it is baseball season, so I guess that makes up for it.
Stephen and Chris are still working away. Chris got his car fixed and new tires to boot.
Happy May.
Carol, it's only April 22. Was Kate really born May 6, or did you mean April 6th?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to all--she's gorgeous!