April has been a crazy month!! First of all, a member of our ward died unexpectedly. Just before the funeral my brother Ray passed away. So, we did the funeral and then Chris and I traveled to Utah for my brother’s funeral. We had quite the adventure traveling since a portion of the road between Page and Flagstaff fell of the mountain. We went through the reservation which we had not done for a long time. We stopped at a restaurant in Kayenta called The Amigo. They had great Navajo tacos. We also traveled up the side of a cliff. The one other time I had been on that particular road was when Stephen was a baby and he threw up all over me. Chris was the perfect traveling companion. Thanks everyone for the flowers and cards. I really appreciate it since we only has a couple of other flower arrangements. Heber City, of course, was much colder than any other place we were. Many of my cousins and aunts and uncles and old Heber 7th ward members attended the funeral. I loved seeing everyone. I was also very glad that we all could say good-bye to Ray. I’m sure he is very grateful to be with my parents and my brother Phil.
Last weekend, April and I gave a shower for Britt. After the shower was over Gary and I went to Flagstaff to hear Sam sing in the Arizona all state choir. They were awesome!! The next day we all went to Zac’s farewell. He did a great job speaking. Afterwards we all went to Boyd and Stacie’s to eat.
This week is all about the wedding. Except for tomorrow, Stephen has declared it a “can’t talk about the wedding day” in honor of his birthday. Like that is ever going to happen. We are so grateful that Stephen found a wonderful woman to marry. We all love Britt. We are also doing the last walk through for the wedding reception to make sure the Wright House has everything right.
School has been busy with the AIMS test. Honestly, these poor kids. There is just way too much testing going on. The first and second graders are taking the CRT test and next week is DIBELS testing. Don’t you just love all the acronyms?
Tax season is finally over! It was made much more difficult this year with system failures by both the Arizona Department of Revenue and the IRS. Baseball season has begun. Our pool was a disgusting shade of green. We have since had it drained, refilled and the filtering sand replaced. We also had sun screens put on some of our windows. It is already making a difference in how hot the house is in the morning.
May will be just as busy. At then end of the month, Gary and I get to go to North Carolina for the reception there. Good times.