Sunday, August 26, 2012


Well we started school again and it was only 116 on the first day. Yuck! I felt sorry for all the kids when they had to go outside of recess.  Anyway, we had a heat advisory warning for the first week of school.  LAME!

Speaking of school, when I walked into a fifth grade class the other day a boy asked me who was better--Michael Jackson or Justin Bieber.  Now I actually used to like Michael Jackson before he got all weird and had so much plastic surgery that his nose almost fell off. I have no use for Justin Bieber whatsoever.  However, maybe if I were in the 5th grade I would really like him.  

I also decided I was very grateful to my 8th grade English teacher for teaching me the parts of a short story.  I didn’t know it would come in handy years and years later since that’s what the 5th graders are studying this week.

Sam is back in the swing of things big time.  Last week he went to PCC camp up in Prescott.  Gary and I went and stayed up there while he was at camp.  I experienced the almost perfect day--sitting on a deck, in the mountains, in the middle of some trees, about 75 degree weather, reading a great book (A Discovery of Witches).  It would have been perfect except for my stupid back hurting.  Sam’s choir is going to be awesome this year.  They sounded great after only 2 days of practice.  It also rained in Prescott.  I wasn’t out in it so it was a great weekend.  Gary had a great idea to stay up there.

Speaking of which, I had a procedure on Friday called radiofrequency ablation.  The doctor stuck a really big needle in my back and used electricity to kill the nerves.  The even had to put a pad on my leg to ground me.  It’s a good thing they shot some kind of sedative in my arm.   Its purpose was to kill the nerves that have been shooting off pain for no reason.  I already feel much better and was able to sit through all of church without running somewhere to stand up.  Yeah for modern medicine.

Because of my back, Sam has attended the baseball games with Gary.  They have had some great father and son bonding time.

Speaking of Sam, he is now old enough to get his learner’s permit.  Where has the time gone?  Am I ready for this?  Probably not.

Lily learned “Little Purple Pansies” in nursery.  She has been singing it to us.  She is getting quite the repertoire of songs between Disney movies and church.

Kate gets cuter every day.  She can roll all over the place and has a very sweet disposition. 

We will all be glad when the primary election is over on Tuesday then maybe politicians will quit calling us all the time and we don’t have to listen to people say terrible things about each other.  Realistically those things  probably won’t happen, but I can dream can’t I?

Someday, sooner rather than later, I hope that it cools off around here.

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