Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Sad Saga of the Crossing Guard Shelter (or Government run Amok, again)

For the past 16 years, maybe even longer, there stood at the school crossing on 8th street a small crossing guard shelter located next to the sidewalk on the property of a church. It wasn't much--just enough for one or two people to stand under and a little bench to sit on. It sheltered the unfortunate crossing guard who happened to be there when the scorching Arizona sun shone down. People did like to cover the inside with graffiti, but the small church it stood next to would paint over everything from time to time.

Enter the city of Mesa. That shelter had no permit, and a bunch of other stuff that needed to be paid for. The total came to $4000 owed to the city of Mesa. The man on the case talked to his boss and they decided to wave all the fees except for the $100 for the original permit. So the small church raised the $100 for the city of Mesa.

But wait! The shelter was an accident just waiting to happen according to the wise people who work for the city of Mesa. Has there ever been an accident in the past 16 years? No! That fact didn't matter. Now the shelter is no more and those of us who happen to cross children there are at the mercy of the Arizona sun.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable! Hopefully the church got to keep their $100.
