Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Power Outage!!!

The power went off at our house. The wind blew really hard and knocked down 8 power poles. Now ordinarily these lines probably wouldn't have blown down, but because they are "fake", they did. The city of Mesa is widening the road and some of these lines had to be moved. Hence, the power lines are only temporary

It began Monday night at 10:00 and continued to Tuesday night at about 7:30 p.m. I am not bitter because some of my neighbors' power came back on WAY before mine did. (Well, maybe a little.) However, since we are supposed to learn something from all our trials (I know this barely qualifies), I have decided to take the high road, and instead of complaining, I would like to list some of the things I have learned from this experience.

1. I am extremely grateful for air conditioning. I don't know how people lived here before it was invented.

2. My hair looks really awful without being blow dried and nobody made fun of me. Who knows, maybe they didn't think it looked any different.

3. Sam and I went to Chris's apartment after school. He had the air cranked down. What a nice son!

4. I remembered not to open the refrigerator and the freezer and most things were okay.

5. I'm grateful for all those SRP workers out there working hard to get the power back on.

6. Did I say I was grateful for air conditioning?

7. Do you know how quiet it is when there is no sound from air conditioners and and pool pumps?

8. We found out April is having a girl. That really doesn't have anything to do with the power going out, but it happened yesterday also.

9. I should have slept in the basement. It was much cooler!

10. I am grateful for air conditioning. Whoever invented it should have gotten the Nobel Prize.

11. I'm really glad I didn't live here 100 years ago.


  1. Oh my goodness- congratulations, April!!! And Carol! :) That is going to be sooo fun!

  2. I am totally with you on that air conditioning thing! I remember asking my grandmother how they kept cool here back in the 1950s. She said, "We opened up the doors and hung wet sheets in the doorways. When the breezes came through it would cool down the house."
    It must have been a much breezier Mesa in those days.
    God knew what He was doing when He saved me for the days of air conditioning, cause I don't think the wet sheets woulda cut it for me.

  3. That happened to us a couple of years ago. Some construction guys cut a line and it only cut off power to our street and the one just north of us. This was in August so we went and sat in the pool all night! I too love air conditioning!
