Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's a Miracle!

Some days we have a serious epidemic in first grade. The symptoms are headache, stomach ache, and the very popular, "I don't feel good" accompanied by a very sad look. Of course, like all good epidemics this involves a visit to the nurse.

I have decided to name this terrible disease "get" as in "I will get a cracker from the nurse, I will get a drink from the nurse, and I will get out of class and not have to do anything." The principle way we can tell if a child has "get" is when we look out the window and see the child skipping to the nurse's office.

Mrs. J., being the smart woman that she is, tried an experiment last Friday to see if she could stem this terrible epidemic. Just as the reading test was about to start about three people all of a sudden came down with "get." Mrs. J. tells these victims that they need to stay and take the test and then they can go to the nurse's office.

The test ended just before recess. She told them they could go to the nurse. (Cue gospel choir.) "We don't feel bad anymore." It's a miracle! Thanks to the power of recess, they are cured!

1 comment:

  1. Heh Heh Heh.. hope Jen isnt one of your "regulars" and if she is... treat her the same as you would your own kid! We're all about tough love. You and Mrs. J both have the patience of Job!
